Date and time: 17 April 2022 Sunday, 11:00–13:00 CET
Place: Online on Zoom. You will receive the link one day before the workshop. Registration through the website is compulsory.
Price: Pay As You Can through PayPal. ( Your donations help towards IT costs and workshop costs.)
Led by: Secil Honeywill

Did you ever think about why some people refuse to believe in climate change? Why do they find excuses not to take meaningful action towards a sustainable life? Maybe denying the problem is a way of coping. The problem is so huge that the mind tries to save us from utter hopelessness by pushing aside thoughts of climate change. Denial kicks in as our minds default to temporary self-preservation.
It’s not because we don’t care. Climate change is disturbing. It’s something we don’t want to think about. So what we do in our everyday lives is create a world where it’s not there, and keep it distant. We create a sense of a good, safe world for ourselves, we screen out all kinds of information, from where food comes from to how our clothes are made. When we talk with our friends, we talk about something pleasant.
We experimented with denial psychology this month by creating characters whose actions contradicted their true feelings.
* During the workshop we will be making a film and taking photos that will appear later on this website and in our social media platforms. Please let us know if you don’t want to be in them.