Date and time: 2O MARCH 2022 Sunday, 11:00 – 13:00 CET
Place: Online on Zoom. You will receive the link one day before the workshop. Registration through the website is compulsory.
Price: Pay As You Can through PayPal. ( Your donations help towards IT costs and workshop costs.)
Led by: Secil Honeywill

We keep reading these comparisons about how much of the Amazon forest we lose every year. Size of London? 36 football fields? 14 Manhattan a day? There are online counters that show how many hectares of forests are cut down or burned every second. An area almost the size of Italy. Or the state of Nevada. What do all these comparisons mean to us? ‘In Bolivia, every year, an area nearly the equivalent of Rhode Island is being deforested.’ OK. But how does this affect the people who are living there? Or have you ever imagined what’s like to be in the Amazon? Forget about the 36 football fields for a minute, can you imagine the many ways in which your senses would be activated if you were actually there?
The crunch of leaves beneath boots, the smell of pine, the beauty of a field of wildflowers. Flowers, decaying vegetation, soil, wood, and leaves all produce scents that come together to create something like the smells you might have experienced in a greenhouse full of lots of different kinds of plants. Would you like to breathe with us in that forest?
The theme for the March workshop was deforestation. Our workshops are packed with exercises to strengthen your writing skills, go through the elements of writing a play, network with other writers in the group, share ideas and get inspired. If you’d like to attend our next workshop, sign up on the Upcoming Workshop page to receive the Zoom link one day before the workshop.
* During the workshop we will be making a film and taking photos that will appear later on this website and in our social media platforms. Please let us know if you don’t want to be in them.